China Mechanical Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (23): 2881-2888.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-132X.2023.23.012

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Compensation and Correction Method of Compound Tire Pressure Monitoring Considering Influences of Tire Load Transfer

TANG Xianzhi1;ZHANG Xiaozhuang1;HAO Shaopeng1;WANG Bo1;ZHANG Yu2   

  1. 1.School of Vehicle and Energy,Yanshan University,Qinhuangdao,Hebei,066004
    2.Luan Automobile Technology Co.,Ltd.,Changzhou,Jiangsu,213000
  • Online:2023-12-10 Published:2024-01-03



  1. 1.燕山大学车辆与能源学院,秦皇岛,066004
  • 通讯作者: 王波(通信作者),女,1983年生,博士,讲师。研究方向为节能与新能源汽车和液压混合动力控制策略。。
  • 作者简介:唐先智,男,1982年生,副教授。研究方向为智能轮胎、汽车系统动力学及控制、无人驾驶汽车驾驶意图识别及驾乘感受识别、混合动力/电动汽车能量管理策略。。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract:  The vehicle would produce load transfer during acceleration and hill climbing, which led to the interference of tire pressure monitoring results. To address this problem, a tire pressure monitoring result compensation correction method was proposed based on tire loads herein. Dual estimation of vehicle mass and center of mass position was carried out based on Dual-UKF, and recursive least square (RLS) was used for slope identification. The data of load, vehicle speed, tire pressure and tire sinkage were collected by using a tire rotation hub test bench. The relational expression of load, speed, tire pressure and tire sinking were obtained by fitting the data. Using slope identification, the four-wheel independent load was calculated by estimating the vehicle mass and center of mass position to correct the corresponding wheel speed pulse. The test results show that the calculated values of tire pressure without load correction have 20% stable error and large fluctuation. with load correction, although there is a certain hysteresis and fluctuation, it will eventually converge to the true value quickly and the stable error is within 5%, which solves the problem of inaccurate tire pressure estimation due to load changes. 

Key words: tire load transfer, composite tire pressure monitoring, dual unscented Kalman filtering(Dual-UKF), tire hub test bench

摘要: 车辆在加速和爬坡时会产生载荷转移,导致胎压监测结果受到干扰,针对该问题,提出了基于轮胎载荷的胎压监测结果补偿修正方法。基于双重无迹卡尔曼滤波对车辆质量和质心位置进行了双重估计,采用递推最小二乘法(RLS)进行了坡度识别。利用轮胎转毂试验台进行试验,得到载荷、车速、胎压和轮胎下沉量的数据,拟合了载荷、车速、胎压与轮胎下沉量的关系表达式。利用坡度识别,通过车辆质量和质心位置的估计,计算四轮独立载荷,修正相应的轮速脉冲。试验结果表明:没有载荷修正的胎压计算值存在20%的稳定误差和大幅度波动;加入载荷修正,虽有一定的迟滞性和波动,但会很快收敛到真实值,稳定误差在5%以内,解决了因载荷变化导致胎压估算不准确的问题。

关键词: 轮胎载荷转移, 复合式胎压监测, 双重无迹卡尔曼滤波, 轮胎转毂试验台

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